четверг, 21 июня 2012 г.

Global Finance


Since 1987 Global Finance magazine has been a reliable source of news and analysis for the most important financial people in the world. With a circulation of 50,000 and more than 180,000 readers in 163 countries, Global Finance provides a unique way to reach virtually all the chairmen, presidents, CEOs, CFOs, treasurers and other top financial officers at the world's largest companies and financial institutions.

Global Finance regularly selects the top performers among banks and other providers of financial services. These awards have become a trusted standard of excellence for the global financial community.

Independent research has constantly shown that Global Finance, when compared to all major business publications, is the most effective way to reach the people controlling the finances, strategies and major purchases of the world's most important companies.

Global Finance magazine offers marketers a range of tools to connect with top decision makers. These include display advertising, sponsored roundtables, sponsored statements, sponsored maps and award sponsorship.

The website gfmag.com, relaunched in 2009, targets an audience of top financial web-users that complements the reach of the magazine. Gfmag.com offers analysis, articles and awards that are the heritage of 22 years of experience in international finance and provides a valuable source of data on 192 countries.

The reliability of Global Finance in reaching the most important financial people in the world is confirmed by its continued use by marketers. In 2008 advertisers from more than 60 countries chose Global Financeas a marketing partner, and, in spite of the global recession, the magazine had a record advertising year.

Bank of New York Mellon


At BNY Mellon, our 225 years of experience in the financial marketplace has given us some unique insights. Explore our library of latest thinking below by identifying a particular business or by using the keyword search. You also can use the links to your right to access additional content and features.
Your business issues are our business issues. We collaborate with clients, industry and market specialists, and our own team of highly knowledgeable experts around the world to understand the meaning and nature of the evolving financial markets. We do this to help you prepare for the challenges and opportunities in today's global markets.

Alternative Investment Services

  • Investor Access

  • Investor and interested party access current and historic information via our web-based dashboard, including statements, confirms, NAVs & returns, marketing materials, management letters, company profiles and support information.

Asset Servicing

  • Workbench

  • Workbench facilitates the investment life cycle from decision-making to execution, settlement and reporting. Workbench provides access to worldwide investment manager and custody-related information, enabling you to measure, monitor, and evaluate daily activity and results — all at the click of your mouse.

  • INFORM provides information on custody, accounting, settlement and related activity.

Corporate Trust

  • Document Custody

  • Having access to data online, on demand, and knowing it is protected are key requirements in fast-paced and evolving markets. On our Document Custody system, you can access your detailed, imaged data and a range of relevant reports in real-time. All data is protected using state-of-the-art technology, and relevant information may be uploaded and downloaded. Access is secure and can be customized to meet your unique needs.
  • Investor Reporting

  • You can access detailed payment and collateral reporting data on our Investor Reporting site. A wealth of deal-specific investor-focused tools, to improve the way information is gathered, is available on the site. And, you can customize format and content so the reports meet your particular requirements.
  • Bondholder Service Center

  • You can access a range of services and perform a variety of actions through our Bondholder Service Center. Think of it as a central location where you can search for a bond issue and submit an inquiry, obtain transfer instructions, download tax forms, find answers to questions, even consult a glossary of terms.

  • Accounting, cash management, online corporate actions: With INFORM, BNY Mellon's proprietary information delivery and transaction management system, you have access to online inquiry and reporting for all these functions. The result is the reporting you need and the ability to act on it.
  • Money Market Manager

  • Originate commercial paper issuance and medium-term note transactions, and generate the reports you need to manage these debt instruments on our Money Market Manager system. You can also customize reports and add filters and sorts to meet your specific requirements.

Depositary Receipts


  • As the world's leading depositary bank, BNY Mellon has long recognized the importance of developing and integrating innovative technology with the evolving Depositary Receipt business. ADR INFORM, our advanced Internet-based reporting platform, embodies this longstanding focus, and highlights our continued commitment to improving the value-added resources available to our Depositary Receipt issuer clients.

Environmental Innovation Solutions

  • GEM Platform

  • A universal platform for carbon credits that includes custody, escrow, settlement and clearing services.

Global Markets

  • Global Markets

  • Global Markets offers foreign exchange and interest rate, equity and currency derivatives execution.
  • BNY Mellon Capital Markets, LLC

  • Through BNY Mellon Capital Markets, LLC, we also offer trading in fixed income securities and equities.
  • Foreign Exchange

  • iFX Manager

  • iFX Manager, BNY Mellon's proprietary electronic trading system, supports pre-trade order management, price discovery and execution services.
  • iConfirm

  • iConfirm offers post-trade confirmation, standing settlement instruction maintenance and mark-to-market reporting.
  • iHedge

  • iHedge is designed to help clients administer portfolio or shareclass hedging programs.
  • iDeal Forex

  • iDeal Forex is a platform for multicurrency payment initiation, FX trade execution and related reporting.
  • iFlow

  • iFlow measures cross-border portfolio flow and provides tools to measure capital flows against most major equity and fixed income indices.

Liquidity Services

  • Liquidity DIRECT

  • Liquidity DIRECT provides access to a wide range of money market funds, direct investment in individual money market securities, and the capabilities to safekeep margin balances all on a single, centralized investment platform.

Shareowner Services

On December 31, 2011, BNY Mellon's Shareowner Services business was acquired by Computershare. At this time, investors, employee stock plan participants and corporate clients can continue to manage their Shareowner Services accounts at the same websites and phone numbers that they have been using.


  • Investor ServiceDirect

  • Login or sign up to manage your consolidated portfolio, invest in a Direct Purchase Plan and access online account statements, tax forms and other important information.

Employee Stock Plan Participants

  • EquityAccess

  • Login to manage your consolidated stock options, restricted stock and employee stock purchase plan holdings.
  • Employee ServiceDirect

  • Login to manage your employee stock options, restricted stock and other equity awards.

Corporate Client Access

  • ASAP

  • Login to the Automated Stock Administrator's Portal to manage information, create reports and assist your plan participants.
  • Client ServiceDirect

  • Login to respond shareowner inquiries, monitor ownership levels, track proxy voting and access an a library of corporate and investor reporting.

Treasury Services

  • TreasuryEdge

  • Our simple but powerful electronic banking solution features easy set-up, automatic upgrades and intuitive navigation through a standard Internet browser interface, all designed to allow you to initiate a full range of transactions to manage available cash balances.

Berenberg Bank

1590 - Firmengründung in Hamburg
Coffee bags
1590, als Hans und Paul (II) Berenberg ihre Firma gründeten, lebten etwa 1.000 Niederländer in Hamburg. Die Stadt erlebte einen wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung, der maßgeblich von diesen Refugianten getragen wurde. Neben Handwerkern waren es vor allem in Handel und Finanzierung erfahrene Kaufleute.

Die Brüder Berenberg, die Tuchhandel und allgemeine Im- und Exportgeschäfte betrieben, waren offenbar strebsam und erfolgreich. 1594 finden sich ihre Namen in der Sammlungsliste der Niederländischen Armencasse, einer noch heute bestehenden Institution zur Unterstützung in Not geratener Schicksalsgenossen. Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts waren von den 42 Firmen, die Umsätze über 100.000 Mark verzeichneten, 32 niederländischen Ursprungs. Die Brüder Berenberg standen an fünfzehnter und sechzehnter Stelle.

Anfangs waren die Niederländer in Hamburg noch gewissen Beschränkungen unterworfen. So war es Ausländern verboten, innerhalb der Stadtgrenzen mit anderen Ausländern Geschäfte zu tätigen. Viele Niederländer wurden daraufhin Bürger der Stadt, wozu Hans und Paul (II) Berenberg sich jedoch nicht entschließen konnten. 1604 erließ der Rat dann ein liberaleres Mandat, das Ausländern nun den freien Handel mit neuen Luxusgütern erlaubte, mit rheinischen Weinen etwa, ungarischem Kupfer, Indigo, Elefantenzähnen oder Gewürzen. Kurze Zeit später wurden die ausländischen Händler den Hamburger Bürgern sogar gleichgestellt – Hamburg betrieb eine recht pragmatische Politik.

1590 – Firmengründung in Hamburg The Reformation and the way to the Elbe
The history of the Berenberg can be up to the late 15thTraced back centuries. The family originally came from the hilly countryside. On the farm wholesale Berenberg 1465 Thillmann Berenberg, was born. Even him know that he has acted with cloths. His son, Jan went first to the nearby Cologne, took the early 16th Century, but continued to Lier, situated on the outskirts of Antwerp. Already in 1515 he acquired there as "Thill Mans de zon Coelenaere" citizenship. Antwerp offered the ideal trading conditions. By 1550 it was the largest and busiest city in Europe, up to 500 ships sank here every day and weighed their anchors. There was a time of great discoveries, and thus the economic reorientation of Europe to the west -. And there was also an era of bloody religious clashes in 1585, the Dutch Protestants, given the choice, either to the Catholic faith or to leave the country, and how thousands of their fellow Muslims took advantage of the Protestant Berenbergs to find a new home. They found her in Hamburg.